
Tinder is known world over as a dating app while in South East Asia the brand has broadened the positioning to include and emphasize social discovery as GenZ, Tinder's primary audience is more open to exploring a lot more than just a relationship in the dating spectrum. Tinder wanted to encourage GenZ to use the app for connecting other interests and passions apart from just the traditional understanding of dating. Tinder offers endless opportunities to meet any number of new connections to explore any number of life's passions beyond romance.


Based on this insight, we came up with the idea “Friends with (Other) Benefits”, or in Thai “Puen Sampan” , a provocative term that playfully twists a dating slang to mean platonic “friendship”. Twisting FWB e.g. find “Friends With BBQ”, “Friends with Board Game”, “Friends with Books” or skip “One Night Stand (ONS)” for “One Night Street Food”, “One Night Singing” or “One Night Surfing”. The aim was to capitalize on this emerging trend of using Tinder for social discovery as a new way to convince Thais to become Tinder members.


The film received 42 million views. The campaign line “Puen Sampan” trended on social media and was mentioned on TV shows and internet podcasts organically. Stay tuned for more materials from Tinder's “Friends with (Other) Benefits”/“Puen Sampan” campaign, which continues throughout 2021. #เพื่อนสัมพันธ์


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