
In 2020, everyone was on a budget, even Saudi. Burger King wanted to stand by the Kingdom and its customers, but our flagship meals were already of such great value, they couldn’t be discounted any more.


We’ve noticed items on our menu that were less popular, but affordable and tasty; exactly what the Saudis needed in such times.


Since we couldn’t give the Whopper at a discount, we turned the focus on the underdogs and gave them a new name that would make them popular: “Tough time meals”. And abiding by the government’s advice against overspending, we created a campaign on budget. Instead of bringing “Abu Hamdan”, Saudi’s most popular social media influencer to promote our menu, we brought out his doppelgänger and called him “Akhu Hamdan”. He became the face of our campaign promoting our “tough time meals”; and made him all legit. We’ve even opened a social media page for him – and he was influencing alright.


Saudis loved the initiative, and budget cuts couldn’t be more relatable. We’ve achieved 6.9 million video views and 35.6M impressions. But most importantly, our menu items sales increased by a staggering 1547%. And ¼ of all brand sales came from the new menu. Our campaign worked!

BK The Doppelgänger

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Crisis response / Influencer Marketing / Small budget product
