
Ahead of the launch of another world-renowed tech global provider into the region, Microsoft needed to prove that no one understands the Arab world better than themselves.


In the Arab world, word of mouth is worth way more than any brand communication, be it in every day life or in the business world. We knew that in order to consolidate our position in the market, facing the arrival of new competition, we had to talk to our audience in a locally relevant way.


Microsoft and Wunderman Thompson Dubai needed to strengthen the local audience's affinity to the brand. To do so, the communications needed to move from global and technical to locally relevant.

The 'Trusted Cloud' campaign was the first B2B campaign of the region that turned the Arab way of building trust into a new communication language.

Knowing that word of mouth is key to brand trust in the Arab world, the campaign put at the forefront big companies and C-suite partners, who lent Microsoft their credibility, creating trust with their own words and consolidating the brand's relevancy in the market.


An uplift in brand awareness, with 24 brand new businesses migrating to Microsoft’s cloud solution and resulting in a 5% market growth.

Microsoft Creative Reel

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